Having been gently persuaded to share various craft projects through a blog I find myself following my friend's lead and jumping into this world of shared interests and many pretty pictures. A busy summer, first of finding room to make and then of completing (or almost!) several projects has left me with various things to share here. So as not to 'over load' I will be spreading them out a bit, it'll also give me time to make more to share - I can see this is going to be a cyclical system!
So, here we are (hope you're satisfied
Jo :))
One of my more ambitious projects this summer was to make a fairy for a friend's birthday. All in all I think it worked fairly well considering I had no pattern (or even picture) to work from and, aside from having to un-stitch the wings once due to my negligence as to which side of the fabric to put facing up, oops, my method worked well.
The body is made of a dolly peg and stuffed with a little wadding and the arms have a pipe cleaner in so they can be positioned easily.
Quilting the wings - layer wadding then back fabric face up and top fabric face down (second time lucky!)
The hair was a cheat - glue required!
And then she was done and ready to fly off to her new home.
Roughly about 7 hours work and lots of fun (and problem solving) involved. I just hope no-one asks me to make another one as I'm sure this was beginner's luck!
Happy crafting! :)