Monday, 25 November 2013

It begins...

With the last full weekend in November just passed, the festive crafting has begun! After a good walk with my very best friend Helen (who is now the proud owner of a bunny, to go with her two real-live ones) and her gang of five collies (not all hers I might add!) I settled down to some crochet and card craft.

While the cards are still in the process of being cut out and the crochet projects are top secret - only a little sneak preview here - there are many other ideas being developed and resources being gathered for some new (to me) creative exploits. I'll keep you posted as much as I can over the next few weeks and try to remember to photograph everything before I wrap it all up!

Wishing you well for this last November week.
S. x

Monday, 11 November 2013

Wild weather and walking

Over the last few weeks the weather has definitely settled into autumn mode. High winds, rain, bursts of pleasant sunlight and ever darkening mornings and evenings. Evening walks are now not so appealing but a Saturday or Sunday morning stroll has been a feature for a few weeks, and so has the camera.

Sunlit streets, pathways and clearing in dappled shade, the autumns produce strewn on the ground and trees felled by high winds. Leaves, leaves and still many more leaves to fall, cherry tree sap and flags flying high. Just some of the many things to be enjoyed on a clear bright autumn day.
Enjoy your week everyone.
S. x