Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow and crafting

After a very tough week of nail biting reports from hospital my sister Emily is over the worst of her pneumonia but still has a long way to go before she returns to everyday life. Once the happy news that she was back with us arrived this weekend the recent snow we've had looked much more inviting. Sledging with my wonderful Sam, walks in blizzards and many photos soon followed.

And to finish the weekend/start the week? Why crafting of course!

My lovely niece is due to lose her first tooth any day now so the tooth pillow is for her. And the crochet was what kept me sane last week...

The little squares will be joined together at some point and the big one I hope to make even bigger when I get more of the same wool - lovely natural undyed British chunky wool from Rowan.
Happy snow day to all/most my teacher friends and happy week to all.
S x

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Thoughts for my sister

In the small dark hours of Friday morning my sister Emily was rushed to hospital with severe pneumonia. She's been in the ICU, sedated on a ventilator for three days now and it's only just beginning to sink in. Here are my thoughts for her now:

::: Relief - that she, my big sister, my only sister is still here with us
::: Fear - that she is still so ill and that the unnameable may still happen
::: Sorrow - for her little girl who does not really know what is happening
::: Awe - at the wonders of modern medicine
::: Strength - as my family gathers together
And most of all Love, an overwhelming, deep feeling in my heart that makes me feel light and prickles my eyes.

I know she is in the best place possible. I know she will recover over time. I know life will return to normal eventually. But for now, my thoughts are always with her.