Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Gratitude - better late than never

Cards. One of my favourite crafts for various reasons. Quick. Versatile. Personal. Recycled (it's amazing the designs you can invent with a few old calendars).

And of course, as all creative activities are, relaxing. Time for a bit of music (Josh Garrels at the moment), the scent of candles and a slowing down of breath and activity for a few minutes after a busy day at work. It really makes me wonder how people who don't do things like this survive.

With my dear Ma staying over lately we discussed many issues of personality, perhaps even spirituality if you prefer, and one that we talked about rather more than others was gratitude. As children it was never demanded of us to show excessive gratitude. By this I do not mean we had no manners. Manners were required of course but they are more habit than real gratitude. I'm thinking more of writing thank you cards and celebrating things like Mother's day and Father's day. These things were not asked for nor adhered to when we were small and I think without this set way of showing gratitude we learned instead to show genuine thanks for things as and when they occurred. I remember occasions, rare yes but certainly genuine, when as a child or teenager I would feel the need to express my thanks in more than just the word and would create a card or picture or perhaps just return the favour.

What better way to express genuine thanks than to create something personal, to dedicate time specifically to the people who have helped you. So, with much genuine gratitude I say here a bit 'thank you' to all those who have helped me out so far this year.
Thanks and happy crafting
S. x

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