Saturday, 18 May 2013

The beginning of something...

Finally. Time to blog and time to start a very exciting new project - more on that another time though. For this post it's time to play catch-up and report on mine and Jo's joint project.
We are in the process of making our own version of a 'Quiet Book'. Lots of little bits to be made and various logistical issues to be worked through - just the sort of thing for a team crafting session!

The shoe part of the lace-up activity...

...stars to button on...

...and lots of beads threaded on strings for a center page spread.

As the BBQ was lit and well tended by Sam, Jo and I headed up the hill towards The Labyrinth - a wonderful creation in the woods at Beacon Hill.

Then home for some very tasty food!

All in all a weekend well spent.
I will keep you posted with updates for the Quiet Book, I'm sure it will take a few more team efforts before it's complete but what a great excuse to craft together.
Happy weekending all.
S. x

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