Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year Productivity

Happy 2015 everyone! Our New Years Eve celebrations consisted of eating roast chicken, sitting by the log stove and watching Lord of the Ring...such party animals we are!

As the snow melted away yesterday morning we started the new year very productively. Rice pudding for breakfast (I use a variation of this very simple and tasty recipe - half the milk and half the sugar, everything else the same - and for all those nay-sayers who would never consider using basmati rice to make pudding, don't knock it 'til you've tried it!)

The last few finishing touches were added to this little blanket that I've been making for I don't know how long. It's small but perfect for putting on your lap on a cold day when you're trying not to put the heating on before dark - super warm!

My littles' Learning Journeys are as up to date as it is possible for them to be, washing is done, studio tidied, fire set, tea prepped... all those little every day things that sometimes it's just so satisfying to get done and dusted. A lovely, clean start to what promises to be an event filled and exciting year - weddings of friends and family coming up in the next few months, the prospect of really getting stuck into our house hunt and hopefully buying within the next 6 months and everything else that comes with a move away - job hunting anyone?! 

But alongside all of these big, life changing happenings, I hope to have many small moments of happiness and peace (and crafting!) in between. These small, reflective moments are, after all, the things that make the world keep spinning and remind us of what it really is to be alive in this world of ours. Thanks for letting me remember this here in this little online space. Wishing you the very happiest and most hopeful start to the year.

S. x