Over the last month or so we've been spending a lot of our weekends in the garden, generally keeping on top of the weeds and also creating our fire-pit which is also our BBQ. We love it! Every Friday and/or Saturday evening is BBQ time these days and with the addition of my old hammock its most definitely my favourite reading spot too. We went up the lane to 'forage' for the bark after the forestry commission had finished clearing a load of pines - love a bit of free stuff for half an hour's work (and we got to test out Sam's 4x4 driving skills!)
Elsewhere in the garden, things are growing happily on their own and aside from keeping on top of the a fore mentioned weeds and bracken (many many, lots and lots but very therapeutic to pull up) and mowing the lawn, we're pretty much letting it do its thing and discovering the already established plants that are turning up all over the place, much to our delight and without any effort on our part.
Oh, and the cat seems pretty happy too.
Have a good week everyone.
S. x