Monday, 31 August 2015


A lovely long summer holiday (the benefit of moving counties - 2 extra weeks!) is drawing to an end. Much of the time has been spent on a complete overhaul of my new classroom - 12 days so far and with at least two more planned during this last week. All worth it though as it's so much more organised and ready for all of the lovely new little ones to come in and enjoy it in a week's time. It's not all been work work work though...

Much fun with the nieces and nephew and my lovely mama...

A lovely weekend chasing logs (and a little crafting thrown in of course) with my old friend Carrie and her husband Giles...

And as for house goings on, well we are now truly ready for winter with two lovely log burners fitted and working (and in action today on this rather miserable bank holiday in, uhhum, August). With some gorgeous bespoke book shelves and a TV cabinet in the making its almost time to get those tester pots in and start really thinking about wall colour for the sitting room. I am so excited (and a little nervous) to finally be able to paint walls - out with the magnolia and in with the colour I say!

Hope you're making the most of the "summer" bank holiday everyone. (We are in full sofa, fire and film mode, perhaps not making the most of it but certainly enjoying it.)

S. x

Wednesday, 12 August 2015


A long weekend away with my love in Ireland, exploring, eating, lying in and generally relaxing.
Lovely food, beautiful surroundings, stunning coast, day dreams of abandoned houses becoming holiday homes and learning about lichen.

Short but sweet: Thank you so much Will and Mary for sharing your amazing home (and for introducing us to soda bread-yum yum!)

Hope you're all enjoying a bit of R&R this summer.
S. x