First off, spring!
Last weekend was the first when we could really get Connor out into the garden and onto the grass without extra layers and a blanket. He loved it and happily sat there drinking in the fresh air and trying to eat the odd dandelion.
The spring sunshine inspired the "thank you" cards we made for Dutch relatives who sent gifts back with Sam's parents a few weeks ago. I'm always a little unsure about children and thank you cards, perhaps because they were never expected of us unless we initiated them when we were small or maybe it's all those articles I've been reading about building genuine gratitude in children. Either way, the expectation is there and I don't fancy rocking the boat just yet, though maybe I should start as I mean to go on!
Now for the struggles...
Our little boy is a bit of a sensitive soul I think... In fact I know it for sure, most who know him well would agree. He is a happy chap in general who can always find a smile but does struggle with having to deal with too much 'new' and 'busy' in his days. We've just come back from an over night stay with his lovely Great Gran in Wales and he did his best to hold it all together in a new place but he did struggle... He struggled at night a lot, sleeping fitfully and needing lots of cuddles, and today, having had less than a happy night he really struggled to nap and feed. Now we are home he has let it all out and had a big cry and finally fed well and fallen asleep with a lot of help.
Now here is the question... Does he need more 'busy' and 'new' to help him get used to it? Or does that not work? Should we keep his little life small and familiar until he has learned some of the skills he needs to cope better? I know what my heart tells me and the more I read the more my head agrees. But it is such a dilemma... We have family and friends all over the country who we want to see either as visitors here or as guests staying with them. But at the same time, I know that Connor is not a show piece to be taken here there and everywhere to entertain and give cuddles to (to him) complete strangers in completely strange places.
It breaks my heart to see how difficult he finds it, even once we are back on familiar ground, to process all that goes on around him when we're doing things out of the ordinary. It's likely it will still take another couple of days for him to be quite back to his normal self and in the meantime I'll keep life simple, not too much 'busy' and not too much 'new'.
Wishing you all and lovely start to the month,
S. x
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