My sister Emily holding baby me.
So here, in this space, I'll take a few moments to pay gratitude for all the good things in my life at the moment...
::: Sam. While away with work a fair bit of the time he is still a constant source of comfort and joy and I love him so.
::: Family. Spread far and wide as we are I feel we are as close as we ever have been, especially my wonderful Mama over these last few years.
::: Friends. Both those I see regularly and those I see only once or twice a year (or even less!), we are always able to pick up a conversation as if only minutes had passed since we last spoke. To me, this is a sure sign of a good relationship and I am very grateful for this.
::: Work. Hard as it is at times (Ok, most of the time) I love the school I work in, the people I work with and the children who fill our classrooms, even after rowdy days like today.
::: Home. This house, our home for three (or is it four?) years now fits us perfectly in many ways; its location in the beautiful Charnwood Forest, it's layout and space - enough room for a large studio for me, outdoor workshop for Sam and plenty of comfortable spaces for everyday living, and the lovely feeling a warm cat on my leg (she always favours the left), candles and wood stove lit and crochet in hand after a long wintry week at work.We love it.
It is with great joy and peace on my birthday that I think of these things that make life so wonderful right now. Thank you all for being a part of it.
Happy days and many thanks to you all.
S. x