Sunday, 19 February 2017

Sunday Gratitude

As I sit here feeding my boy to sleep for his first nap of the day (at only 8am it tells you what time morning is for us these days!) I was thinking about all of the things that are great about the world I inhabit at the moment. So here are a few pieces of gratitude to start the day and end the week...

1. Having a partner and father to my boy who really gets it. With Sam working away most weeks at the moment it can be hard sometimes with the sleepless nights that accompany a nearly five month old teething baby to keep my energy up all the way through the week. My saving grace is when Sam is home at the weekends when he'll take Connor for an hour or two to give me time for a nap or a soak in the bath, that little window of time when responsibility for out little one is lifted from my shoulders. Pure bliss and fully appreciated, thank you so much my love.

2. Four hours in a row...a real rarity at the moment as two hours sleep in a row is pretty much the norm, but when it does happen, on those magic nights when he doesn't stir for four beautiful, sleepy hours it feels like a whole new world in the morning.

3. Mummy friends. So fortunate am I to have such a great group of women to chat to and walk with and (most importantly) eat cake with on a weekly basis. I'd be lost without you lovely people!

4. Family... Not just us little threesome but all the rest whether miles up north or an hour down the road or across the sea I still feel like you're right there whenever I might need you. Same goes for my friends further afield

5. A patient cat. Thank goodness she's ok with the fact that he now wants to grab her fur as she walks by. I'm pretty sure if I tried that I'd have been savaged and bleeding in seconds!

6. Not having to "go back to work"! This is largely possible because of how hard Sam works. I am not the sort of person who needs to go to work for some adult conversation or a change of scenery and the thought of having to leave my boy with someone else to care for him while I care for other people's children at school does not bear thinking about. I'm a home body, happy pottering about all day long.

7. My boy. What can I say. Words cannot express my need for him to be near me. Love does not even cover it.

Big things that make up my small world and I am in awe of every single moment.

Happy Sunday all.

Monday, 6 February 2017


Oh dear, I really did mean to post this in early January but I suppose early February will have to do instead.

Not much crafting happened for Christmas this year but there was a tiny bit!

Firstly, Connor 'helped' make this years Christmas cards at the grand old age of two months. Hand and foot printing with a baby who was still holding on to those tight fists and curled up toes reflexes was quite entertaining but thanks to Vistaprint we only had to make one decent copy!

And secondly some play scarves for the babes in the family. I regret not making two rainbow ones, as it is by far my favourite, but I plan on making more at some point (not least because I lost two of Connor's to my niece Lexi the other week.) So watch this space little Jacky nephew, you will have a rainbow at some point!

Since Christmas I have actually managed a little crafting too and hope to do more now that the jongen is going to bed so much earlier and giving me an hour or two in the evening (most of the time anyway)...

A new crochet hat for the wee one (and hopefully another one on the way for his baby buddy Erin sooner rather than later.)

And finally, I had to share this fab pic of my own Ma and Pa with a slightly grumpy looking babe just because of Mum's great facial expression!

Happy belated new year everyone.
S. x