Not much crafting happened for Christmas this year but there was a tiny bit!
Firstly, Connor 'helped' make this years Christmas cards at the grand old age of two months. Hand and foot printing with a baby who was still holding on to those tight fists and curled up toes reflexes was quite entertaining but thanks to Vistaprint we only had to make one decent copy!
And secondly some play scarves for the babes in the family. I regret not making two rainbow ones, as it is by far my favourite, but I plan on making more at some point (not least because I lost two of Connor's to my niece Lexi the other week.) So watch this space little Jacky nephew, you will have a rainbow at some point!
Since Christmas I have actually managed a little crafting too and hope to do more now that the jongen is going to bed so much earlier and giving me an hour or two in the evening (most of the time anyway)...
A new crochet hat for the wee one (and hopefully another one on the way for his baby buddy Erin sooner rather than later.)
And finally, I had to share this fab pic of my own Ma and Pa with a slightly grumpy looking babe just because of Mum's great facial expression!
Happy belated new year everyone.
S. x
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