Friday 4 November 2016

Nearly a year!

I've not posted on here since early January so nearly a whole year has passed. And what a year!

We found out about this in late January...

And he grew...

...and grew...

...and so did I!

A bit more.

And a bit more until...

Pop! He arrived! Our little September baby.

But that's not all that happened this year. With a new arrival just around the corner, I needed no nudging to get creative. Several changing mats, two mobiles and a play mat were sewn up, second hand muslins and clothes dyed and a crochet blanket begun (and still only half finished!) More on all that crafting in another post though as I'm sure you'll agree that the best creation to come out of 2016 is our little boy Connor!

Happy weekending folks!
S. x