Saturday 31 August 2013


Just before heading back to work earlier this week Sam and I had plans to visit the Lakes, camp for a few days, climb, walk and generally enjoy the sights, sounds and peace of the open countryside....The weather was looking unfriendly however so instead we made the familiar journey to the North East, only a week after I'd left from my other summer visitation.
The weather up there never seems to be as damp as everywhere else on this funny little island we call home and it didn't fail us this time. With a walk up The Cheviot (a very steep walk I might add!) and a trip to the beach we didn't really miss an awful lot of what the lakes have to offer and certainly didn't miss the crowds of a bank holiday weekend in that most popular destination.

Hoping you all have a lovely late summer weekend.
S. x

Friday 23 August 2013

At last, a crown!

I've been meaning to make one of these for school for a long while now and finally put thread through needle earlier this week. Made with wool felt bought from the lovely people at Clothkits (some of the buttons are their's too - so bright and colourful!) and super easy to make with a velcro fastening. Reversible and fully adjustable to fit (hopefully!) any size head. I'm sure the littles will love it, our special birthday crown.
S. x

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Produce and surprises

A somewhat flying visit to my parents in the north this time as, once again the summer has disappeared far too quickly. Whilst there jams and jellies were made (and tasted of course) and, as usual, I came home with a box of goodies. This time plenty of fresh veg, local cheese, my very own darning mushroom and of course a good collection of jam!

But that was not all!  On the doorstep when I arrived home was a parcel and inside, a very unexpected but delightful gift - the Taveners sweet tin as seen in this post. Thanks Will! So a quick spot of card making was in order.

Must pop that card in the post and then get on with some housework as a certain someone is home tomorrow :)
S. x

Sunday 11 August 2013


After a day of picking (and climbing) on Friday, a day of traveling on Saturday we have arrived in the north with an abundance of cherries to be preserved. Pitted (must add a proper pitter to the list of wanted kitchen items!) and weighed we set to work creating a sour cherry sauce for tonight's pork, a crumble and my first (certainly not Ma's first) jam.

Very tasty and with much more fruit to come I think I will have to invest in a great big jam pan and a jar funnel very soon.
Happy harvesting all.
S. x

Friday 2 August 2013


It's my last day house (and cat) sitting for my uncle Will and his partner Mary in their fabulous home in Southern Ireland. Whilst here I've had Ireland's usually heavy handed share of rain and wind but in the sunshine that did manage to break through there have been many opportunities to get the camera out.

Old family photos of uncles and my dear Mama, a Taverner's tin (my maternal Grandmother was a Taverner before she married. The family owned a sweet company, perhaps that's where my sweet-tooth comes from!), the lake and the old cat Tinto.

And then this morning, aiming to catch a good window in the weather I got up early and headed to the beach. The plan worked perfectly...

Sunshine, a near deserted beach, rock pools galore and time to make some stone sculptures. The perfect beginning of the end to a week away.
Happy summer time all. S x