Wednesday 22 July 2015


After four and a bit years I've left my job in Leicester. Four and a bit years is not a long time in the grand scheme of things but I learned so much and laughed so hard while working with a wonderful group of people and such delightful (most of the time) children. I will miss it very much and it was very hard to leave it behind. But...

It did lead to a little bit of crafting for my closest friends - a card for each and definition of sorts.

Oosh, Fwit, Right and Floppy Whopper - The words were chosen because they remind me of each member of our little Foundation Stage team (you probably had to be there!)

Thank you so much for everyone's help, love and support over the last few years, you truly are amazing! (And thank you for beautiful flowers too.)

As for the other goodbye, at the end of June we said farewell to our dear dog Finn - a good life of 13 and a half years and a quick and quiet end. He was ready and so were we, though going up to Northumberland and not having a dog getting in the way all the time will be a very strange
experience. Goodbye lovely boy. xxx

With the summer holidays now in full swing, I'm hoping to blog more often - one a month is not really good enough is it!

S. x

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