Sunday 7 May 2017

G is for 'Grump'...and 'Grateful'

Today has been 'one of those days'. Too much we wanted to do and not enough time to do everything we want to, both tired and both with our own ideas of what's most important to accomplish. And to top it all off the little one had his devil face on...

...just like this...a bit manic, toothy and generally unsettled all day long. I know he looks happy but with this chap there is a fine line between being happy and bursting into tears on a day like today.

So, to cut a long story short, we were both grumpy and feeling like the other resented the Connor free time to get stuff done. We've talked it over and made a plan to hopefully level things out again the next time this sort of day occurs but I still need to talk myself around. What better way than to blog!

That was 'G for Grumpy' for 'Grateful'...

I find on days like this when all is a bit shit quite frankly the best thing to do is to be grateful for stuff.

:: Grateful for the fact that I can feel crap and can talk about it without fear or scorn.

:: Grateful that I have a little boy who loves to cuddle and be close to his Mama and Dada even if that means that he doesn't want to be put down for hours on end. It's all worth it, especially when he really cuddles back.

:: Grateful for the time I do have to myself, even if it only stretches to a few extra hours in bed at the weekend and a snatch of time in the evening when the monitor is quiet.

:: Grateful for the patience I have for my boy on those nights when it takes an age for him to settle to sleep because his brain is a bit fried and he just needs to let it all out while held in my arms.

:: Grateful for the nights when he sleeps more than usual and the monitor stays quiet in the evening so I get that time.

:: Grateful for where we live, the home we have and the ability we have to make it the way we want it, even if it does mean a bit of mess and dust for little while.

:: Grateful for Sam (though I'm not always good at showing it). For how hard he works. For the time we take to talk about our problems and thoughts. For the concern he shows for how I sleep every night.

:: Grateful for the friends I know will be there to hear my moans and grumbles next time I see them. For their empathy and shared experiences.

There are many more things of course and I apologise if I've listed these before but they are good things to hold onto on the tough days. Here's hoping I don't need to remind myself of them tomorrow too.

Hope you've had a happier weekend friends.
S. x

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